Friday, April 30, 2010

SKYWATCH--An old 'Argument' resurfaces!

An old argument is always likely to resurface, if it's not 'drowned' the first time. You may remember this floating restaurant named Argument that was barely afloat when I showed it over a year ago right here. It's been righted, and it appears that it's going to be fixed up.... Dinner, anyone?
(That's Bibi's playmate running along the sidewalk.)

Check out other bloggers' posts at SKYWATCH.


Luis Gomez said...

Love the image and would love to have diner there.

Alexa said...

Well, good for whoever is trying to keep this restaurant boat afloat. Hope you'll go back and have a meal there when it reopens, and share that with us as well. Love this photo, btw!

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Very nice capture.

ninja said...

Excellent! The photo, the title, the post..

Richard Lawry said...

What a beautiful place for a restaurant.

An Arkies Musings

Marie-Noyale said...

I wouldn't mind enjoying the view while having diner!!
Beautiful late afternoon lighting

Chuck Pefley said...

Lush light, Bibi! My goodness, that is one weathered looking watercraft!!

Gaelyn said...

Sure would be a great view to eat by.

peppermint said...

What a great view. Like seeing in a postcard.

Unknown said...

Beautiful photograph Bibi.

Unknown said...

i love the name of this floating restaurant.:p and your photo is so beautiful--fabulous light!

Jilly said...

Gosh, you and Kim both posting great shots of your cities. Love the dog!

Kim said...

I do remember your post about this before. That will be quite a project, and I know you will keep us apprised when the grand opening occurs :-).
The colors you captured here are stunning. I love the warm glow and the cool sky. This is very print worthy!

Laura said...

beautiful! Love the reflections in the water too!

Daryl said...

I am assuming they only do 'take out' right now?

B SQUARED said...

Save a seat for me!

Thérèse said...

Un peu de nostalgie en regardant la photo...
Une photo si joliment rendue! Bon week-end Bibi 1 et Bibi 2...

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee
This brings a whole new meaning to "Having an argument over dinner"....

Sylvia K said...

Terrific capture! And I would love to have dinner there, too! Beautiful skies! Looks like a lovely evening! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Sylvia said...

ditto what Alexa said, I'd like to see the inside too.
For now, your sky capture & beautiful view is amazing.


 I have seen this woman frequently in different seasons, seated in the same place near a large open market. She doesn't seem to be askin...