Monday, May 10, 2010

The Balloon Clown

Did you ever wish you were a clown? As a child, I did, but now I'm not so sure. I still enjoy watching clowns, especially this kind, the ones who make those fancy creations out of balloons. I wonder what he's writing...sketching a new design? Making his grocery list? What do you think?


Luis Gomez said...

Lovely shot although once again (I mean in life) it looks like a sad clown.

Laura said...

I'm loving his pants! Maybe he's writing impressions of colors he's seen today to include in his next pair? He does look kind of sad. Perhaps balloon sales were not going well and he is tallying up his earnings for the day. Or a love letter to his girl who just jilted him begging for forgiveness?

Unknown said...

I thought he's cross-wording...

Louis la Vache said...

Very interesting, Bibi. There are multiple interpretations to this image.

Virginia said...

What a great colorful image Bibi. I love this . The fact that he's looking away from the camera is even better!

Gaelyn said...

I too dreamed of being a clown. This is such a bright and colorful scene. Maybe a "to do" list?

Olivier said...

un clown plein de couleur, mais il fait "clown triste"

Alexa said...

Great shot, Bibi—especially as you caught him "off-duty." Don't know about that tie, but I'd wear the jacket in a heartbeat!

Suburban Girl said...

Wow, the color on that one is amazing. Love his nose.

Daryl said...

He looks sort of sad .. I bet he's checking to see if his horse won ..

Lowell said...

I've often thought clowns were rather sad people trying to find happiness in making others laugh...

I think he's writing a farewell note to his girlfriend with whom he's breaking up after a long relationship. And he wants his ring back.

What a super photo! It's a great portrait and the colors are just stunning! said...

It looks to me like he has a little smile. I bet he's making a list of things to do.
Most of the time clowns are cute & funny and make me laugh. Sometimes though they can be a little creepy.
Re your banner flowers Bibi, yes they do look like Forget Me Nots. I love them & of course you captured them beautifully!

Mara said...

I love all the colours in this shot. Really vibrant!

Richard Lawry said...

Really neat photo. You couldn't make it more colorful if you posed it.

An Arkies Musings

Tash said...

So much color! He looked a bit sad to me too, but now I think I see a little smile too. Can't be a romantic note, he'd be texting that.

Thérèse said...

These people are so talented blowing up balloons in a record time and shaping them into figures. I even can hear the noise in my ear of the balloons being stretched!

Jilly said...

Woooow, what a blaze of colour. Sometimes I think clowns are sad - well it's the way they paint their mouths of course. He's making his grocery list!

Chuck Pefley said...

Reminds me of Thomas the Balloon Man at the market ... similar outfits -:)

GoGo said...

I love clowns but those balloons they make into small animals i could do without.


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