Saturday, May 22, 2010

REFLECTIONS Weekend--downtown

Another drive-by shooting. While waiting for another traffic light, I glimpsed this window that reflects a wall across the street that's covered with very colorful graffiti and a billboard. There are also reflections of the automobiles below. All of this is for James' Reflections Weekend.


Luis Gomez said...

Great reflection! I like the colors.

Beth Niquette said...

What an unusual reflection. The colors are so bright!

Loree said...

I love the bright reflection. Great shot. said...

this is cool Bibi, what a great reflection shot. I like the doggy too!

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

The reflection looks like a painting.

Sylvia K said...

What a great reflection! Such brilliant colors! And, of course, I love the doggie! Hope you have a great weekend!


Lowell said...

I hate graffiti, but this is one heck of a reflection shot! You do
"drive-by" very well!

Anonymous said...

There are artists who make a mess with colour, you for sure do magic. Wonderful photography !

daily athens

Peter said...

Amazing refection, love the woman walking the dog too

Gaelyn said...

That reflection looks like it's melting.

Louis la Vache said...

Great catch, Bibi!
«Louis» had a similar opportunity today in Oakland - but didn't have his camera with him! DRAT!

Z said...

I really like taking reflection photos too. I like this one.

Suzanne said...

This is great, I love the color reflections. They look like water.

Claudia said...


James said...

The reflection is distorted to perfection. It looks like a painting. I like it!

Daryl said...

Oh that reflection is like a water color painting .. or a piece of Sn Meredith's fabulous art .. do you know her blog?

Richard Lawry said...

What a great eye you have for seeing this beauty on a busy city street. Awesome reflections!

An Arkies Musings

San said...

Love your drive-by shooting, and Daryl's observation, and the fact that you came over to my place, and that I'm here now. Nice sequence of events.

Jilly said...

of course I noticed the dog first and then that great reflection. Such colours!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.