Saturday, June 5, 2010

Reflections Weekend - Mineral Water with Lemon

While waiting for my friend and while sitting upwind of the two smoking gentlemen the other day, I snapped this photo for James' Reflections Weekend. Notice how there's an ashtray on every table, no matter what.... I like how they put the receipt for the mineral water in a little glass so it won't blow away.


Gaelyn said...

You did a great job capturing the shadows and light. I'm surprised to see an ashtray, but am thinking you're outside. Still, couldn't do that here in the states very many places.

Luis Gomez said...

Very nice Bibi.

Sylvia K said...

Oh, great capture! Love the shadows and light and the colors! Hope you have a great weekend!


Dani said...

ljepa fotka. kjnaz milos je super voda. hope you'll understand me.

Alexa said...

Very nice reflection, Bibi! Guess the ashtray is still ubiquitous in some places. Just stay upwind.

K. the minjoni girl said...

Oh this photo makes me miss BGD soooo much! Thanks for the nostalgia!

Lowell said...

A very unique and creative reflection shot. It must have been a windy day if you were sitting upwind and the receipt was in a glass to protect it from blowing away. The ashtrays must be so that people won't stub out their cigarettes in the glass with the receipt!

Virginia said...

Oh almost like Paris, oui? Lovely lovely light and reflections. I'm smiling BIbi.

Serline said...

Love the way glasses and bottles add whole new dimensions to light and shadow, as you have done here.

eileeninmd said...

Great capture and reflections! Well done!

James said...

Nice combo of reflections, light and shadows.

Nefertiti said...

cette photo sent l ete ;O)

Daryl said...

Lovely light ... and a charming tableau!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.