Friday, May 7, 2010

Skywatch and Reflections Weekend--two-for-one

Here we are at the ethno-village Stanisic (STAH-nee-sheech) in Bijeljina, Republika Srpska, where I traveled two weeks ago. Once again I thank Vlada from Fotkapofotka for the HDR program he sent me. Vlada, whom I've recently met, told me his mother has been after him to take her to this place, so Vlada, get going! It will be Mother's Day this Sunday, at least in the US!

The web page for this ethno-village is currently under construction, but it you go to Google Images and type in Ethno-village Stanisic, lots of photos come up!

This post is both for SKYWATCH and James' Reflection Weekend.


Gwendolyn L said...

What a lovely picture. So picture perfect. Nice colors and composition. Thanks for sharing.

Gaelyn said...

This place looks like it belongs in a fairytale. That RAW sure brings out the colors and detail.

nonizamboni said...

A photo to get lost in, between the colorful village, water and ominous sky. Thanks for sharing your travels!

Max-e said...

Interesting looking place - very picturesque.Nice sky and relections

Kim, USA said...

This is amazingly beautiful place. Your sky is white and it looks like it is painted. Very nice! Happy weekend!

Brenda's Arizona said...

Wow, a fairy tale town come true! You have me researching HDR programs now!

Luis Gomez said...

What a great reflection. This is so wonderful!

Sylvia K said...

What an awesome capture! Just incredible reflections of such a beautiful and interesting place and skies! It does look like a picture from a book of fairy tales! I love it! Hope you have a great weekend! Enjoy!


Nefertiti said...

Magnifique ! OO

Anonymous said...

Such a vibrant image! Very beautiful!

Vilt og vakkert said...


This is like a fairytale!
Have a nivce weekend...

Richard Lawry said...

A beautiful place and a beautiful photograph

An Arkies Musings

Stefan Jansson said...

I'd like to see the original photo. I'm sure it is a good one.

James said...

You knocked this one out of the park! What a wonderful reflection.

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee -
You could have gone for a hat trick, Bibi - three in one - because this has got a bridge in it, too!


Mary said...

Very pretty! I like the reflections aspect.

T. Becque said...

That's very captivating.

Alexa said...

Louis is right! Not sure what you did to this picture, but it's amazing (probably was straight out of the camera too).
[WV is "judge," and I judge this picture awesome.]

Leif Hagen said...

Looks like a very, very interesting and cool place to visit!

Chuck Pefley said...

Stunning, Bibi! said...

your shot has teh face os the music FAIRYTALE from Alexander Rybak , he won the eurovision 2009
have a nice day

but if u can say me: do u know the HDR´S program that u have used?

LadyFi said...

Wow - the simple beauty of this shot is mind-blowing.

Olivier said...

Une photo magique, avec le reflet et cette église (orthodoxe ? ), et un très beau traitement (juste ce qu'il faut) HDR, BRAVO

Pam Lane said...

I agree, it looks straight out of a fairy tale. Perfect picture for this filter.

Jim said...

Great shot. Amazing place.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Kaori said...

Don't know which I like more, the beautiful reflection or the dreamy sky! said...

Wow! Bibi! you've really outdone yourself with this one. It looks like a place from the movie, "Lord of the Rings".
I love it.

Tussy said...

Beautiful villa, nice reflection too.

My Bangkok Through My Eyes
Thailand In Photo

Pat said...

Hello, Readers! Thanks for your comments. A couple of you had questions, so here is an answer I originally wrote for Grace, but can't send it to her; no email available, so I hope she checks back here! Steffe, this answers your 'original photo' request, too.

"Hello, Grace.

Thank you for your comment! I really don't like to retouch photos, but in this case this HDR program makes it fun and you can just bring out the best in a photo, like adding lipstick, powder....don't overdo it! The original shot here was taken on a cloudy day and the clouds were just barely visible against a white/gray sky.

I am at work now and my program is on my other computer, so I will let you know what it is later on today or during the weekend."

Melusine said...

I do wish I had this program myself, makes fantastic results :)

Jossie said...

Wonderful. I love the reflections.

Suburban Girl said...

This is a stunning photo! I love the HDR use on it. Does the program require the taking of 3 identical photos at different exposures?

Pat said...

Rebecca, it can, but doesn't have to. It gives you the option of creating a 'simulated' HDR, which is what I did here. I haven't yet tried with three different shots, but will!

Lowell said...

A superb've captured well the flavor of an "ethno" village...and the reflections, well, they're perfection!

B SQUARED said...

This looks like a very neat place. The photo is pretty darn good, too.

Laura said...

gorgeous reflections!!!

Thérèse said...

Perfect sky for hdr!
Wonderful Bibi.

Unseen Rajasthan said...

Beautiful and fantastic shots !!Simply lovely !!

Daryl said...

Pat, that is EXQUISITE ... frame it .. sell it ... its just amazing ...

Unknown said...

lovely and quaint place. HDR is something isn't it? I have never used it and most likely can't afford it!! :-)

Kcalpesh said...

Fantastic capture! HDR has really made the picture look so dramatic! Awesome work of photography!

Pixellicious Photos

Regina said...

Fantastic and superb reflections!
Happy SWF.

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

I am in awe of this picture. Picture perfect. It would be fun to see the same scene at a colorful sunset!


Tara R. said...

A gorgeous shot. I like the composition of the dark skies and abstract reflections in the water. The village looks like a beautiful place to visit.

Kristin said...

Perfect photo of reflections and skies. Very vibrant. Love the exposure, lighting, colour and contrast. Great photo as paintings on walls.

Tash said...

Fantastic, Bibi! This deserves all the praise it received from the many, many commenters. And yes, there is a bridge in it too! I'm glad you are publicizing this extraordinary spot. It is really well done.

Mrsjobee said...



 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.