Saturday, June 12, 2010

Reflections Weekend "Upside-down"

This post is for James' Reflections Weekend. Last March I took this photo of a flooded bench, which is now dry and usable. The above photo shows an upside-down metal something-or-other that someone the river....oh.


Luis Gomez said...

I really like the effect of the reflections here. Nice shot.

Gaelyn said...

Love the distorted angles.

Alexa said...

Hate it when people toss things in the water, but love what you're able to do with such a sight!

Thérèse said...

Easier to grab than crude oil on water!

xxx said...

Perfect shot!

Sylvia K said...

What an intriguing capture! I love it! Hope you have a great weekend!


Bob Crowe said...

Love it. It has several levels of meaning. It somehow reminds me of that famous Japanese torii gate in the water by Miajima Island (go to Google Images and just enter Miajima).

Hilda said...

It's amazing, and sad, what people throw in rivers. Lovely and intriguing capture though!

Richard Lawry said...

A very interesting photo. The flooded look brought to mind the devastating flash flood we had here in arkansas this morning.

An Arkies Musings

T. Becque said...

I love your image. The contrast in color, the reflection, composition, all very nice. Too bad the river is used as a trash can though.

Jilly said...

Love it. Made all the more special by the movement of the water.

Suburban Girl said...

At least you made art of it! Nice eye.

Leif Hagen said...

Seems like a wet spot to sit and rest! And reflect!

Clytie said...

This is great, and mind boggling. If it is 'upside down', then is the reflection 'right side up'? Such a cool concept!

Lowell said...

Some people there are like some people here - they don't seem to understand that local waterways are not dumping grounds.

Super shot, though...and a great reflection!

Daryl said...

Super shot, love the texture


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.