Sunday, June 27, 2010

SUNDAY BRIDGES: the bridges of my noses

I'm counting on our blogger friend's sense of humor to allow me to post these two 'bridges' upon which I rest my reading glasses. They're called Picasso's Noses. Click on that link to see many more! I think the one on the left looks more like Picasso's real nose, while the one on the right looks like Salvador Dali's. Or maybe Mrs. Dali's, given the lips. The National Museum of Serbia houses two of Picasso's works, 'Interior with Three Figures' (1929) and 'Head of a Woman' (1909).

This post is part of our fun-loving Louis La Vache's Sunday Bridges.


Luis Gomez said...

These are fun and wonderful!

Pam Lane said...


Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» is ROTFLHAO!
Excellent, Bibi! This is a perfect example of why «Louis» has kept the definition of bridge loose! What a creative entry for Sunday Bridges!

«Louis» linked it for you.

Unknown said...

LOL a fabulous bridge, indeed.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Funny. I'm way too literal to think up clever twists on the theme.

Alexa said...

Very clever, Bibi! And I'll bet you gave Louis a laugh too.

Alexa said...

Oh, I see that you did! Well me too—in fact, je suis MDR! (BTW, I get ROTF, but what is HAO?

Tash said...

Hee-hee! I was wondering when there would be a broader bridges post...I would never of thought of THAT bridge. So fun & funny & colorful.

Kaori said...

You have such style! That nose is adorable. I should probably stop laying my glasses around the house and find something like this :-)

VioletSky said...

Very clever!

EG CameraGirl said...

I LOVE your sense of humour! Thanks for the smile.

Linnea said...

Fascinating! What interesting insight!

Cezar and Léia said...

hehehe very creative, I like a lot this idea!
And your composition here is beautiful!And...I LOVE PICASSO! :)
hugs and Happy Sunday
Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg

Elisa said...

Hi my friend,
Super. I share with all of you the Sundayn Bridges. Thanks Louis!
Best regards from Argentine

Thérèse said...

What a fun post and what a marvelous picture!

Daryl said...

Wonderful ...

Marie-Noyale said...

They really do look a like!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.