Monday, July 12, 2010

Lunch near Leskovac

Hungry? This is what my friend and I had for lunch in Southern Serbia, in a small village near the town of Leskovac, where a rostiljijada (ro-schteel-yee-ya-da) or grilled meat festival is held every year in September. I've said before , for example, right here that Serbs are big meat eaters. I'm not, but enjoy it from time to time.

Those are not scoops of vanilla ice cream flanking onions (another Serbian favorite), but rather balls of kajmak (ky-mak) that you can read about if you click on the "right here" link above. Also pictured are a pair of Serbian homemade sausages with serving of smoked pork and a grilled pepper, tomato, and garlic salad. And the warm, crusty bread.... Leskovac is known for its spicy cuisine, and you can see that instead of ground black pepper beside the salt and toothpicks on the table are red pepper flakes...

If you're interested in seeing more food from Eastern Europe, I've just added this blog to my blog roll.


Lowell said...

It looks rather good, but probably too spicy for my tastes. No calories, though, right?

Luis Gomez said...

Bibi all of that looks so good!!!

Gaelyn said...

Good thing I just had dinner. But how about lunch tomorrow.

Alexa said...

Well, If I wasn't hungry before I am now! This is not exactly Lean Cuisine though, is it? said...

Yummy, that bread looks very tempting.
Say hi to Marianne for me!
: )
Hope you two are having fun!

Tash said...

Mouthwatering. The composition is wonderful - with the knife and fork on the side poised for someone to dig in.

Olivier said...

bon appetit, mais ici c'est le petit déjeuner, alors je vais me contenter d'un café avec croissant ;)

Merisi said...

Very risky, stopping by at lunch hour! :-)
Looks great, too good almost, for a hungry girl.

Merisi said...

Very risky, stopping by at lunch hour! :-)
Looks great, too good almost, for a hungry girl.

B SQUARED said...

You had me until the red pepper flakes.

Liliana Holtzman said...

My mouth is watering!

Virginia said...

Well southerners ARE meat eaters and this look so very good. I'm curious about that salad. I love grilled vegetables.

Virginia said...

Hmmm "buttered" steak! oh my goodness. Ilove to eat spring onions with my vegetables, a Serb/Southern THANG! HA

Serline said...

A little too rich and heavy for me though...

Julie said...

wow, looks delicious and filling

Louis la Vache said...


Unknown said...

Kajmak was one of the favorite new foods to us when we were in Belgrade. It is not in the US in the same form. My mother-in-law remembers a pot simmering on the back burner of a large stove at her family's place in Serbia. We are missing out in the US.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.