Monday, July 26, 2010


If you were expecting a wedding photo, hang in there for one more day!

I saw this very persistent thistle on a sizzling sidewalk downtown the other day. Just goes to show you 'where there's a will, there's a way.'


Olivier said...

triste cette fleur ecrase sur le bitume, mais cela donne une belle photo. ton mariage c'est bien passe ?

Olivier said...
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Gaelyn said...

Thistles are such a hardy weed I believe they can grow anywhere.

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee...
There's a lesson here!

We are looking forward to the wedding photos!

Tash said...

"Never give up, never surrender." my favorite quote from Galaxy Quest. Looks like a nice place to grow AND bloom too.

Alexa said...

A good thought for your son and his bride! Looking forward to your shots of the beginning of their journey together. said...

I'm a day late commenting on your photo from yesterday so I am leaving my remark here.
I have the EXACT same measuring cup! - only the red ink has worn off of the plastic causing me to rub black permanent marker on the numbers so I can see the measurements.
I hope the wedding was fabulous. I can't wait to see photos.

Bergson said...

la lutte est difficile pour nous tous

B SQUARED said...

This is definitely a metaphor.

Daryl said...

amazing .. and encouraging .. see you can do it if you try!

Jilly said...

Stunning shot. Nature will out.

Serline said...

A great capture of the resilience of life...

Singapore plants lover said...

Encouraging...Sometime, I did think those plants can grow at any place, why can't we?


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.