Wednesday, September 1, 2010

THEME DAY: Open-air markets/ABC Wednesday "Goodies for winter!"

Getting ready for winter...the beans are on the market all year round, but jars of pickled veggies are a sign of cold weather to come.

Check out other G's on ABC WEDNESDAY.

THEME DAY: Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


Sylvia K said...

Those jars of pickled veggies look delicious!! And what a great, colorful post for the G day! I love it! Hope your week is going well!


Luis Gomez said...

Beautiful! Love all those colors.

Annelie said...

You have made me wana go there! NOW!
Love it!

Annelie E
ABC Wednesday Team

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

The open-air markets are special and filled with local specials. The colors here are clear and vivid -- would love some of the vegetables in jars!

Jim said...

Great market shot.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Kim, USA said...

Hmmm I see pickled carrots and some veggies. I love this photo it's very colorful!
ABC Wednesday

photowannabe said...

Ummm, I love pickled veggies. it makes me hungry for some right now.

Roger Owen Green said...

so hot today; difficult to think about winter, or much of anything else...

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Thérèse said...

Let's celebrate the colorful jars and not think about the coming winter!

Kate said...

Pickled veggies used to be so commonplace when I was young, but seldom see them around anymore.

Virginia said...

Oh BIbi, I just knew you'd have some wonderful local treats for us all.

Julie said...

now this is a market that looks interesting both culturally and the items. such fun to explore

Gaelyn said...

Must be harvest time. Looks like a great place to shop.

Alexa said...

Beans, beans—good for the heart.
Get yours now at your local mart!
Seriously, it all looks so colorful and de-lish!

Chuck Pefley said...

Somehow, European markets are so much more colorful and interesting than most I find here in the states. If I didn't feel compelled to show a Seattle market scene today I'd pick one from Italy or Paris -:)

Jilly said...

A marvellous market photo- love all those beans. She's well wrapped up for a long day's work. Market people are so special.

Hilda said...

I don't think I've seen as many different varieties of beans sold in one place. Or pickled vegetables, for that matter. I find it fascinating.

paul said...

Great picture: variety, colour, and full of beans!

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

excellent scene!! bravo!

Kero said...

weeeee! my kind of post =)...if you must know, I already started my holiday shopping hahahaa

Hope you can visit my ABC entry here

B SQUARED said...

I have to tell you, cold weather sounds awfully good about now.

Minjoni girl said...

It looks like the chap selling the Novi Moravski pasulj for 200 dinars mixed up his Latin and Cyrillic because he wrote Latin n's instead of Cyrillic i's!

Nanka said...

Beautiful coloured veggies!!
Hope you don't have a harsh winter.
Have a great week!!

Rumya said...

Lovely colorful picture of the bottled veggies.
Looks delicious.
Have a great week!!

Daryl said...

Oh I would enjoy wandering your market for sure lots of photo ops

Vinay Leo R. said...

ah what lovely veggies :) beautiful photograph!

My ABC Wednesday G

Francisca said...

Nice colors there! Is that pickled cabbage (sauerkraut) I see? That's one of my favorites to eat on a cold winter's day with a spicy sausage, but unfortunately I don't see many cold winter's days here!

PJ said...

Pickled definitely signals cooler weather. Bibi, I don't want to sound ignorant but do you have to do most of your shopping in outdoor markets? I'm not up on Serbian shopping practices. said...

no... please, I'm not ready for cold weather!!!!

Kitty said...

my goodness, winter must be very bad there and come early. I'm not prepared at all!

Z said...

I love this photo. It reminds me Henri Cartier-Bresson photographs. Very well shot!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.