Wednesday, October 13, 2010

ABC Wednesday "M" is for "meat"

Serbs are BIG meat eaters. This window display shows you several kinds of dried and smoked meats, along with a small selection of fresh meat below. The stuff hanging in the plastic bag is a kind of shredded 'cracklings', or 'cvartci" (CHVART-see) or fried pork rinds. You can buy them in small pieces or shredded, the latter being called 'duvan cvarci" (DOO-van CHVART-see) or 'tobacco cracklings', since the shredded meat resembles shredded tobacco.

Check out other M's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


ramy_v said...

Who needs a salad anyway?? Looks delicious.

Houston Daily Photo

Luis Gomez said...

So much meat!

Chuck Pefley said...

Quite a varied array! Not so immediately identifiable as my venerable rockfish, though -:)

Gaelyn said...

Looks good to me.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Looks like we were both thinking about dinner today -- beautiful display.

Randy said...

Nice photo, the "cvartci" sound interesting.

Olivier said...

superbe, on dirait une peinture d'un peintre flamand

Carraol said...

Impressive selection, looks inviting for a big meal!

Roger Owen Green said...

Brings out the carnivore in me!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team.

jabblog said...

Too much just after breakfast . . . but what a great choice :-)

J e l e n a said...

We do love our meat!

Gigi Ann said...

A great variety of meat choices. Looks very inviting.

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» would enjoy trying the sausages.

knez011 said...

Serbs big on meat? You got that right! We break for meat!
Seriously, I don't know a single vegetarian, let alone vegan, in Serbia. Things might have changed lately, but not sure about it...
The line from the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" is spot-on for all Balkan people: "Whaaat? You don't eat meat?? (party stops dead in tracks) No problem. We'll get you some lamb! (party continues)"...

photowannabe said...

A great display of the different meats. I have to admit I like my meat too. Thanks for sharing your M choice with us.

Lowell said...

Not the store for a vegetarian, heh? :-)

I really, really like your header photo! It is tres magnifique.

Is all well...I hope I didn't offend you in some way...

Best wishes!

Leslie: said...

Hmmm...what to choose! what to choose? That a whole hunka meat there! lol Have a great week choosing your daily menus! lol

Linda said...

I'm a vegetarian, but I can appreciate the photo for its composition and pure delight.

ABC Wednesday Team

Juliette said...

Mmmmm. Winter is on its way. A bit chilly. Good weather for a "choucroute." Your picture makes me think of giant platters of "choucroute." Lots of charcuterie, with boiled potatoes, and Dijon mustard, and wine, of course. Definitely not on the top of the list of healthy menus, but .....

Tumblewords: said...

Many dinners hanging there - nice shot!

Leif Hagen said...

Very fun and interesting to see as it looks quite different from the meat departments of my local grocery stores over here!

B SQUARED said...

The cvartci are very popular in the south. I actually saw them in a store in Canada two days ago.

vz-nostalgia said...

holy sweet jesus... I would love to live nearby this place. :-)


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