Friday, October 29, 2010

SKYWATCH FRIDAY--Alexander Pushkin's statue

I'm always amazed at the number of statues around town. This one is to the memory of Alexander Pushkin, who appears to have had a great interest in Serbian traditions. That alone, but especially along with his reputation as a great poet, was reason enough to erect this statue in his honor. There's also a street named for him, too!

Check out other skies at SKYWATCH.


knez011 said...

Bibi, Belgrade has an enormous amount of monuments. I am always amazed when I go to Novo Groblje (New Cemetery) and see the monuments to the merchants, poets, soldiers, 19-th century politicians and generals from the turkish and balkan wars and the Great War.

Judy said...

I see the pigeons like the statue, too! I am attracted by the casual dress and posture; so much more interesting than the older formal statues.

Luis Gomez said...

Very nice!

Tash said...

I remeber Pushkin being big, but that may be only due to the fact that my mom's sister taught Russian language to 5-8 grades for her whole career in Pula. I've not read his poetry but read the short stories (The Blizzard, of course), in English, for a Russian lit course at college. Did you ever read Evgenije Onjegin? I didn't but would like to. Maybe in Serbian it would be closer to the Russian. I read Vikram Seth's Golden Gate (a novel in verse he modelled after Eugene O.)in my mid twenties and loved it. The weird thing is that after reading some of it, the brain starts thinking in rhymes.

Tash said...

PS - he's just not getting any respect from our fine feathered friends.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Interesting how the feathered pen in his hand almost looks like a small sword! Delightful statue with a subdued sky enhancing a "serious" atmosphere!

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

I often wonder what he would have thought about having a statue erected in the town.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Proud, self-assured poet... a very nice statue with the softly draped pants and shirt... lifelike!

Gaelyn said...

Looks like the birds like this statue too.

Randy said...

That's a nice one. He doesn't look stuffy but cool.

Marites said...

i like the way the sculpture was made. his looks is casual and comfortable. have a nice halloween!

Lowell said...

It's a very dynamic statue of one whom appears to have been a very dynamic man. Thanks for the link as I knew little about him.

It seems that so often a person's genius or worth is not recognized until after his/her death in some sort of sculpture.

B SQUARED said...

It appears as though the birds don't share your opinion of him.

Pat said...

Bsquared, Not sure what Pushkin really thought of birds, but it appears that he liked them, as in this poem.

Daryl said...

Poor Alexander, he's covered in pigeon poop

Alexa said...

I like the elegant attitude of this statue too. Maybe that's a pigeon feather in his hand and the birds are exacting a bit of revenge for one of their own. :~}

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

beautiful shot!! i saw Belgrad,through your lens..thank you!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.