Sunday, October 17, 2010

SUNDAY BRIDGES--(not) Eiffel's Bridge

Gustave Eiffel got around. He traveled to many cities around the world, often creating a bridge here and there. This is true for the town of Zrenjanin, a little over an hour's ride from Belgrade. The bridge he created over the Begej River was later torn down and made into a pedestrian bridge. I did see it, but it was much less photogenic than this one, which reminds me more of something Gustave would have created. You can read about the bridge he built here. On this page you can see the bridge that has now replaced Eiffel's.

Check out more bridges at Louis La Vache's SUNDAY BRIDGES.


Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Lovely scenic photo and I think that we should think about M. Eiffel when we look at this bridge. It does seem like his style!

cocoa and coconut said...

I do like this shot, even if it isn't located near the Eiffel Tower or Seine River! The little pedestrain on his bike makes this shot I think. Very quaint

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

Such an elegant way to get from Point A to Point B!

Gaelyn said...

Whoever created it, the bridge has nice lines. But now that you've teased us about Eiffel, it would be nice to see his less "photogenic" bridge too. I mean, that's only fair, right? ;)

Luis Gomez said...

Sweet picture Bibi.

Louis la Vache said...

Very good, Bibi! You know ol' «Louis» admires the work of Gustav Eiffel! A fine contribution to Sunday Bridges!

Lesley said...

The arches make this very elegant indeed.

Unknown said...

It's a beautiful one. Looks grand although it's not very big. I like your shot - the cyclist is a nice inclusion.

Unknown said...

a romantic bridge. the arches are beautiful.

Gustav Eiffel designed one of the Catholic churches here in Manila, he San Sebastian Church.

Pat said...

Hello, readers! I added a note above to say that you can see the (much less attractive) replacement bridge and Eiffel's original bridge just a short distance away from this bridge, on the link I've inserted.

Carraol said...

Great design of this bridge, its roundness are elegant and modern! Thanks for sharing.

J e l e n a said...

There are so many things that I do not know about my own country and I thank you for these pictures. Lots of famous artists, architects, engineers...had their say in building of Serbia. We were once a part of the world at large and the kings had a great respect for the modern art in Europe and took great care to bring those people, bring the artists and their work here.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Is he the same Effel who build the Effel tower?

Thérèse said...

I had no idea!!
Just coming by to say hi...

Kaori said...

Lovely bridge! Also love how you caught the biker in the photo :D

Happy sunday!

Neva said...

whoever designed it....a lovely bridge!

Alexa said...

Very Eiffel-esque! And once again I learn something from you—thanks.

Virginia said...

Moi aussi, I didn't know that our beloved M. Eiffel dabbled in bridges as well. Who knew!!!! :)

Pat said...

Ann, none other than Gustave Eiffel himself!

Lowell said...

The more I learn about G. Eiffel, I become even more impressed with his talents. And perseverance! As others have noted, there is a resemblance between the Eiffel Tower and this bridge. But even though Eiffel didn't do this one, it is still very nice.

That bicyclist doesn't seem the least bit worried about getting hit by some vehicle...must not be a lot of traffic at the time you took the photo.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Love structures with rivets.

Z said...

Such a great composition!

Daryl said...


Gibepregiba said...

Kao dete sam bila ubeđena da je Mali most u stvari Ajfelov most, jer podsećao me je na daleko čuveniju kulu. Naravno vremenom sam saznala istinu. Znam još da su preko tog, prvog mosta prešla "četir konja debela". Volela bih, kao i mnogi da ga opet izgrade.

P.S. Čitajući upravo o mostu na vikipediji, saznala sam nešto novo. Sumnja se da je i Mali most projektovan u Ajfelovom ateljeu. Moguće, podseća na Ajfelov most u Sarajevu.

Sve u svemu, puno Ajfela izgleda postoji na našem području. :)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.