Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The old-fashioned way

Some things are best done the old-fashioned way, like the spreading of this yellow paint along the sides of a crosswalk near Kalemegdan Park. I showed you this same crosswalk once before, but looking from the other direction.

I loved the 'ketchup and mustard' colors here, and don't you just love how their sleeves echo this combination?


Olivier said...

beau detail de ces deux travailleurs. un travail de quoi se casser le dos

Gaelyn said...

They certainly don't look like the usual street painter uniforms.

Luis Gomez said...

You don't see much of this anymore. You are right Bibi.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

What a great photo... It tells a story and has the ketchup and mustard colors. Seriously, I love that they painted it "by hand"

I wonder if they ever smear it with their hands or make hand prints for fun?

Lowell said...

The colors are incredible! But this looks like the hard way to paint a street stripe!

Re eating at the food court: I always eat at Charley's - chicken cheese "steak" sandwich with French fries...yum!

B SQUARED said...

Never saw paint applied like this before.

Daryl said...

Oy my back aches from looking at the way they are standing/bending ... but they are doing a nice job!

Tash said...

All the colorful stripes in the pic are fabulous!

Wibbo said...

Thanks for your comment on Hove Daily Photo - great minds do think alike ;oD


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.