Wednesday, November 10, 2010

ABC Wednesday "Q" is for "quizzical"

Was stuck in photographic doldrums the other day and went out to search for something new. I wasn't disappointed, and couldn't believe what I was seeing when I looked up at the facade of the now 'for sale' Zvezda (Star) movie theater. A cherub photographing another cherub?? This, for a blogger, was too good to be true!

Intrigued, I Googled "Zvezda movie theater" and found out that the building dates from 1890. Part of it was a studio of the first royal Serbian photographer, Milan Jovanovic, and the other part became one of the oldest cinemas in Belgrade. The building is protected by the Institute for protection of cultural monuments. If you click on the link above, you can read more about this building...and buy it, if you want.

Anybody want to invest in a City Daily Photo Bloggers' Hall? :)

See other Q's at ABC WEDNESDAY.


A. said...

Zvezda is the first Serbian word I learned; I would definitely by my own Zvezda (if I only could, that is) :)

Olivier said...

une belle fresque sur ce vieux theatre, et quand on ouvre le lien, plaisir de decouvrir jerry lewis et dean martin (surprenant non)

Gaelyn said...

That is indeed an unusual find. You have such a great eye. An investment opportunity.

photowannabe said...

A fascinating find. A cherub being a photographer is something I have never seen before. Wonderful humor incorporated into the old building.

~mel said...

That is an interesting find. I wonder how many people have seen it AND how many people, like yourself investigated in and found out why. Great detective work!

Roger Owen Green said...

now THAT is a quirky find!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Tumblewords: said...

That is terrific - That would be fun!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

What a great treat for the eyes... I love a discovery like that but how unusual to find cherub photographers!


Randy said...

What a great find. I just love it.

Hilda said...

What a fantastic find! And so appropriate. ;)

Luis Gomez said...

WONDERFUL! Great find Bibi.

Chuck Pefley said...

So, I suppose the "Q" part is you're curiosity spurring you to research the building?

Nicely seen, Bibi. I am just a bit surprised at cherubs using view cameras, though. -:)))

Tash said...

Totally marvellous discovery. I would not of believed it either. I can just see you doing a double take and snapping away with glee.

Carraol said...

Superb and unusual façade, a very interesting architectural find. Congratulations!

B SQUARED said...

There are always new discoveries to be had.

Daryl said...

Truly a fabulous find! said...

Wow - this is so neat Bibi!
& yes a city daily photo blogger's hall sounds like a wonderful idea.

Jay at The Depp Effect said...

What a wonderful building! Not just the fresco (though that is great!) but the whole thing. Just imagine what a marvellous venue it would make for events, especially in good weather with that roof terrace. I see it full of beautifully set tables with white linen and silverware, and people dining while something romantic plays on that big screen.

Jilly said...

How incredible! That very same camera as in Menton. Snap and snap again, as they say. What a fascinating sculpture this is. Never seen a camera carved in this way before.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.