Wednesday, February 9, 2011

ABC WEDNESDAY "D" is for "desire"

Buddha said that the cause of all unhappiness is Desire. If you cannot have something, you become frustrated and unhappy. I desired this lamp when I saw it in the window of an Indian/Asian shop downtown.

I am happy (Yes, I am!) to say that I no longer desire this lamp....because I bought it....

It is true that the lamp itself does not make me happy; my friends and family do.

But I DO enjoy looking at it...

See more d's at ABC WEDNESDAY.


Vicki said...

Great "D" post. That is a very unique lamp and I am glad you conquered your "desire".

Gigi Ann said...

Great word for D day, if desire is not kept in check, we could ruin our life and health. Glad you are enjoying your Desired Lamp.

Sylvia K said...

I would enjoy looking at it, too! And what a great post for the D Day! Hope your week is going well!

ABC Team

Luis Gomez said...

It is a great looking lamp. I am glad you are happy!

Richard Lawry said...

I love the lighting in this photo. It is so warm and inviting.

An Arkies Musings

Tumblewords: said...

Good job. That you bought the lamp is wonderful - it looks spectacular. I can imagine what a pleasure it would be to sit near it.

photowannabe said...

A very lovely warm glow. Continue to enjoy your desired lamp.

Bob Crowe said...

Ah, the perfect blend of Eastern and Western philosophy. You made the right decision - and took a beautiful photo.

Gaelyn said...

I Don't know about Desire, but it is cool looking. Wondering how big it is and will it fit in an RV. ;)

Leslie: said...

My daughter would DIE for that lamp! Very unique!


Olivier said...

il est magnifique et tres original ce bouddha

Alexa said...

And to go back one week, I now covet and crave this fabulous lamp. Good for you for giving in to your desire for it!

Hilda said...

A lamp! LOL, I was wondering why the Buddha was glowing when I saw the thumbnail in the portal.

Halie said...

A wonderful looking lamp.

ABC Wednesday Team

Roger Owen Green said...

I'm trying to keep desire in check, not always successfully!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

So funny... glad that you gave in to your DESIRE for the lamp... a few guilty pleasures are just fine.

Love your new header!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

honest take.
Happy ABC Wednesday.

Dhemz said...

interesting choice! Hope you can check out my ABC Wednesday entry too. Thanks!

Virginia said...

Although I am a Christian, I find other religions' beliefs speak to me and give me much peace. This is one.

jelly beans said...

that's pretty cool! greetings from barcelona.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.