Monday, January 31, 2011

Cold, but happy.

When there's snow and ice, I am not a brave walker. I gingerly walk along on my porcelain legs, avoiding any kind of slippery surface when possible. Sometimes it's not, and just when I'm really grumbling about winter, I come upon something cute like this happy face, with little footprints on the right of its maker, no doubt.


Chuck Pefley said...

Cute, without a doubt!

Luis Gomez said...


Bob Crowe said...

The light on this is very beautiful. Love the hair. Very punk.

Olivier said...

un sourire pour commencer la journée, rien de mieux ;)))

Carraol said...

Great catch, simple and irresistible cool design!

Lowell said...

A nice surprise.

But you are wise to be very, very careful. My sister lives in Wisconsin and a couple of years ago she was leaving her house and fell on the ice. Broke her hip. After several operations, she still isn't right.

Daryl said...

I wouldnt mind seeing this in the snow here .. as long as its not yellow ;-)

Jilly said...

This is enchanting! A real feel-good moment.

Virginia said...

Oh BIbi htis is a delight. I"m with you, now at my age I'm afraid I'm gong to slip as well. GOod think I live in the south and our icy times are few.

Thérèse said...

Quand je pense à la hauteur de la neige que l'on peut deviner à l'empreinte!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Keeping your eyes on the ground, alert to a potential hazard... how wonderful to discover "snow art" just for you!


Alexa said...

Thanks—this brightened my day as well. I finally found some boots that provide real traction on ice and snow—they're butt-ugly, but I wear them!

Gaelyn said...

What a happy little person.

I'm with you on careful on the snow and ice. I'm too young/old to break something.

Tash said...

Just darling!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.