Monday, October 31, 2011


Happy Halloween! You may remember my little Serbian traveling companion, Radovan, who's been on trips with me to Greece, India, Qatar, and other local trips. He's accompanied to Seattle too, and since tomorrow we'll be back in Belgrade, he decided to pose with a luminous Halloween friend and pumpkin.

Posts from Belgrade tomorrow!


Alexa said...

I just love the way you take your own little traveling gnome with you wherever you go!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Radovan looks a little bemused by his new 'luminous' friend Bibi..Happy Halloween!

Tash said...

Radovan looks a bit puzzled by the friendly ghost. Very cute, "B". Hope your return trip was uneventful.

Randy said...

Wonderful Halloween photo!

Thérèse said...

Radovan seems puzzled but I am sure you are are reassuring him that everything is fine!
Happy Halloween Bibi!

Lowell said...

Excellent! Just a great Halloween photo! Welcome home. Hope you had (are having?) a great trip and that Mom is doing well!

Did you get the house sold?

Daryl said...

Trick or treat!!! BOOO!!

Olivier said...

joyeux Halloween, mais sur Evry rien du tout, c'est assez triste

Marija said...

OMG - this is THE BEST!! Radovan rocks among American Halloween companions! being Serbian living in US, this picture is very special for me - thanks! And ALL your pictures actually - great blog!!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.