Thursday, January 6, 2011

The intruder

These dusty bottles in this crate reminded me of those 'which one doesn't belong' games I used to play as a kid.


Olivier said...

enfant, je ramassais les bouteilles vides pour aller me faire payer les consignes

Luis Gomez said...

The Coke bottle! Cool shot.

Leif Hagen said...

Mr. Coca Cola seems to be the odd guy out! Back home safely now?

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

I agree with the Coke answer... reminds me I need to dust this place!


Gaelyn said...

They're probably collectibles.

Hope you are home safe and sound.

Lynette said...

Neat photo of some very dusty bottles and that outsider, Coca-Cola.

Please stop by on Thursday, after midnight on Wednesday even, at Portland Oregon Daily Photo to see my first ever embedded video. It shows my younger son Leland bouldering at The Circuit in Portland, Oregon, as filmed by his older brother Lamont, who also boulders.

Thérèse said...

We still play this game at schools Bibi!
As snow is everywhere on blogs I thought these bottles were recovered with white frost.

Jilly said...

Love this shot, Bibi. Such a fun photo. Have really enjoyed your India photos and know you've had a wonderfl time. Welcome home!

Pam Lane said...

Cool shot. I think the dust is ever-so-slightly thinner on that Coke bottle. I wonder what bottle the Coke drinker walked off with?

Z said...

Cool shot! Very nostalgic!

Daryl said...

Good catch!

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee...
Let's see - the Coke bottle is the one that stays. All the rest are outsiders, right?

M. Scélérat, éditeur à «Louis»: Why do you always take the contrarian view?

«Louis» à M. Scélérat, éditeur : Maybe because YOU are so contrary!

Dadu Jones said...

I really like this one!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.