Monday, January 10, 2011

Senior Fashion

Add ImageI was hesitant (yes, it does happen to me!) to sneak a shot of these two ladies from the front, so you have here a rear view. They looked like very good, long-term friends, and were stylishly dressed in their soft woolen coats and matching berets.

I've added a new blog on my sidebar, though not a CDP one, and if you want to see some really, really fashionable elder citizens, check out Ari Seth's ADVANCED STYLE. You won't be sorry....


Leif Hagen said...

Ela and Olga made for a very charming, styling photo! I wonder how long they've been friends? Think of the stories they could tell!

Katie (Nature ID) said...

Thanks, Bibi. I love reading your blog, even though I don't often comment. Your observations of people are wonderful!

Luis Gomez said...

I guess we were both into fashion today. Very nice shot Bibi.

Kris McCracken said...

I bet that they know a thing or two!

Gaelyn said...

You just have to learn to be sneakier with your candid shots. But as usual, you've done well. I especially like the reflection.

Alexa said...

These ladies are very chic (and respectfully shot by you)! Re the help with links: Anytime, мој пријатељ!
(Turnabout's fair play, as they say.)

Thérèse said...

Looking forward to looking the same way one day!

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee...
When he lived in France, «Louis» noticed that many of the senior ladies all seemed to share the same navy blue coat. As «Louis» far from qualifies as being 'junior', he is NOT making fun of seniors!

Besides, Seniors have talent!.

Olivier said...

belle photo de rue, avec le reflet des deux dames

Daryl said...

I found Ari's blog a few months ago .. he is a charmer .. and I love the shot of the two ladies ... so chic!

Lowell said...

I think this is a lovely shot; probably better from the back than the front. They are elegant ladies for sure and they're walking down a beautiful street!

I did go to Ari's site...I like your people shots better!

Re your comment on Ocala...I'm almost as sneaky as you are when it comes to taking photos...but sometimes I hide behind a post or a tree! ;-))

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Love this stealth photo, and as you know, I am a master of the sneaky shot. I do sometimes ask politely and most always am told "yes" unless it is in one of the shops.

Keep it up and please share any sneaky techniques you might have... hehehe.


Jilly said...

Love this and also love Seth's blog - sort of The Sartorialist with age. Very good idea. Thanks for the link.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.