Friday, February 4, 2011

SKYWATCH FRIDAY---three domes

A crisp, black sky for you....with three domes. The one in the foreground is the top of a kiosk, and the other two are domes on Belgrade's Parliament building.

See other skies of all colors at SKYWATCH.


Luis Gomez said...

Gorgeous image Bibi. Beautiful domes and great light.

Alain said...

The lighting is fantastic in this photo. I love it!

Karen said...

A fantastic night shot.

Richard Lawry said...

What a beautiful photo. You have outdone yourself!

An Arkies Musings

Gaelyn said...

The three domes all look so different but a great combination lit up against the dark sky.

D said...

Beautiful domes with wonderful color and light. Very dramatic.

Lowell said...

That is really quite amazing that you got all three domes in one shot! Lovely night shot, too!

Virginia said...

Something we don't see here in Bama. Gorgeous, Bibi!

Eleanor said...

The composition of this image is very strong. I like the triangles formed by the three domes and the black sky. Nicely done.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

This is a stunning trio and the black sky backdrop is perfect!

Bon weekend,

Modern Mom said...

What a beautiful night shot. Mine was taken at night time too.

Happy SWF!


Liz said...

It looks like a magical night. Great capture.

Vlada Jablanov said...

Odličan ugao, sjajno!

Jidhu Jose said...

nice shot
happy SWF

Anonymous said...

Thanks! With your photos I love my city more and more...

Virginia said...

You get an A+ for composition teacher! :) Gorgeous shot.

Daryl said...

Once again we're on the same wave length .. tho mine isnt a sky shot its on my other blog

Chuck Pefley said...

Nice, Bibi. said...

Such lovely night sky. I love the black.

Tash said...

You go "Bibi"! most excellent photography.

Marianne said...

great sky photo and love the black sky. Are they close to completing renovation on the Parliament building?

RNSANE said...

I think this is a really spectacular photograph with its multiple domes.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.