Thursday, December 1, 2011

THEME DAY--Action shot

Mara the Cat in action...

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


Nathalie said...

a bit spooky but hilarious!
Congratulations on catching the perfect moment!

Luis Gomez said...

This is excellent Bibi!

Julie said...

Hah! WhaT ON earth was Mara trying to do? Escape from the toy? What an extreme photograph. Good for our Theme Day.

Leif Hagen said...

Quite an athletic cat! Fun ACTION photo for December's theme day, Bibi!

Jim said...

Marvellous action shot.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Bob Crowe said...

One hell of an action shot. The cat is fabulous, but those hands with the red, red fingernails make it perfect.

Eleanor said...

This made me laugh. Mara is one hilarious cat and so agile. This clearly is an action shot!

Mark said...

Unbelievable capture, was it a once off or is Mara always this energetic! Enjoy your month.

Jilly said...

Brilliant! Looks like you stuck Mara to the wall! Perhaps you did....!

Olivier said...

superbe shoot, quelle énergie dans se saut de ce chat

Carraol said...

Magnificent sense of movement!

Thérèse said...

Incroyable! Tres important les ongles rouges pour le grand plus de la photo, en plus de la "pause chat" bien sur.

Daryl said...

Fabulous ... I couldnt find a single action photo ... clearly I need to get out more

Kay said...

Wonderful shot! You caught all the elements to tell a story.

Halcyon said...

Caught at just the right moment. :)

paul said...

That's absolute brilliant!

RedPat said...

Now that's action!!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

I'm glad she wasn't reaching for me with those open claws. Intensity personified.

Tash said...

Hee-hee! That cat could teach basketball players a thing or two!

Tamera said...

Hilarious! If this isn't an action photo then I don't know what is! Thanks for the laugh :o)

Ineke said...

LOL Fantastic shot.

Barbb blog said...

this cat reminds me of one of our favorite house cats, which passed away a few years ago.

Momentos Creativos said...

Quedó genial, muy divertido, gracioso, muy bueno

Saludos desde Panama

smudgeon said...

haha, brilliant! I wish I could freeze my cat mid-movement some times, there's no better pastime than watching cats at play...

Buck said...

I completely agree with Bob - the hands in the photo make a huge impact.
Excellent, excellent photo!

Kathy said...

This one makes me smile!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.