Friday, March 18, 2011


I am now in the US, Seattle to be exact, since my mother isn't doing so well, and had to move from her home. It's a big change, and elderly people don't take kindly to changes, but what to do? I'm/we're trying to make the best of a not so great situation.

I'll be here for until July, so until I return to Belgrade, I'll be posting photos on my home turf.

This tulip was one of a bunch that my daughter had put in my room in her new house.


Luis Gomez said...

Lovely Bibi. Very nice. Hope everything goes well.

ibarrere said...

Sorry to hear, I hope things go well. I'm a Seattleite who currently lives in Belgrade, thought I'd share. Are you originally from there?

Alexa said...

It's a beautiful photo, Bibi! I'm thinking good thoughts for your mom—and also for you. Can't be easy for either one of you.

Gaelyn said...

Feel like I'm in similar shoes here in TX. A Mom move may be inevitable. My thoughts go out to you and your Mom. How nice of your daughter to place flowers in your room. Take care. Hugs! ;) said... best wishes for you both.
welcome back Bibi.
I love tulips.

Soma said...

Sorry to hear, Bibi. Wish the best to both of you.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

P, you have many friends and please know that you are on my mind. I wish the best for your mom and that you can enjoy this time with her.


Daryl said...

Its not easy to see a parent age ... sending you many hugs

RNSANE said...

I went through this with my mother a year ago. She had sold her home twenty years ago and lived in a duplex the past eighteen years. In the past five years, she had gradually given us anything she thought she had of value
( sterling, small amount of jewelry, etc ). Sadly, when I went to visit ( she lives in GA ) in Feb 2010, I found her totally confused - she didn't even know who I was. She'd suffered a stroke and had to go into assisted living. Fortunately, my brother and his wife had moved back to the Atlanta area ( I live in CA ) and we were able to get her into a good place there.

Jilly said...

Really sorry to read your news, Bibi. This is a hard time for your mother and for you. Your tulip photo is stunning. A beautiful shot.

Richard Lawry said...

Exquisite photo. I will be thinking of you as you deal with these difficult issues.

An Arkies Musings


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!