I am now in the US, Seattle to be exact, since my mother isn't doing so well, and had to move from her home. It's a big change, and elderly people don't take kindly to changes, but what to do? I'm/we're trying to make the best of a not so great situation.
I'll be here for until July, so until I return to Belgrade, I'll be posting photos on my home turf.
This tulip was one of a bunch that my daughter had put in my room in her new house.
Lovely Bibi. Very nice. Hope everything goes well.
Sorry to hear, I hope things go well. I'm a Seattleite who currently lives in Belgrade, thought I'd share. Are you originally from there?
It's a beautiful photo, Bibi! I'm thinking good thoughts for your mom—and also for you. Can't be easy for either one of you.
Feel like I'm in similar shoes here in TX. A Mom move may be inevitable. My thoughts go out to you and your Mom. How nice of your daughter to place flowers in your room. Take care. Hugs! ;)
aww...my best wishes for you both.
welcome back Bibi.
I love tulips.
Sorry to hear, Bibi. Wish the best to both of you.
P, you have many friends and please know that you are on my mind. I wish the best for your mom and that you can enjoy this time with her.
Its not easy to see a parent age ... sending you many hugs
I went through this with my mother a year ago. She had sold her home twenty years ago and lived in a duplex the past eighteen years. In the past five years, she had gradually given us anything she thought she had of value
( sterling, small amount of jewelry, etc ). Sadly, when I went to visit ( she lives in GA ) in Feb 2010, I found her totally confused - she didn't even know who I was. She'd suffered a stroke and had to go into assisted living. Fortunately, my brother and his wife had moved back to the Atlanta area ( I live in CA ) and we were able to get her into a good place there.
Really sorry to read your news, Bibi. This is a hard time for your mother and for you. Your tulip photo is stunning. A beautiful shot.
Exquisite photo. I will be thinking of you as you deal with these difficult issues.
An Arkies Musings
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