Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Bridges: Bridge Over Troubled Water

I'm running out of bridges, but not imagination. Hard to believe that Bridge Over Troubled Water (click to listen to the song) dates from 1970. I did not take the above photo, at least the original, but I did photograph the old Bookends album cover I have. Before the song's release, there had been "troubled water" between the duo, and Simon and Garfunkel parted ways in 1970.

See other bridges, metaphorical or not, at Louis La Vache's Sunday Bridges.


Luis Gomez said...

Excellent idea!

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee...
«Louis» did something different today for his bridge, too.

Very clever, Bibi! Another in your series of imaginative contributions to <a href=">Sunday Bridges</a>.

Gaelyn said...

You certainly Don't lack imagination!

That was the first record album I Ever bought.

genie said...

What a clever way to approach the idea of Sunday Bridges. You are so creative with this post...and the photo is superb even if the original one was not shot by you. My husband liked this one, too.

Chuck Pefley said...

My, don't they look young! Then again so did we -:)

Nice metaphor!!

Alexa said...

I get a real kick out of your clever takes on bridges, Bibi! That was a sad day for me when they parted ways—but I didn't know then how much great music Paul Simon would create. (The original photo was taken by Richard Avedon, right?)

Pat said...

Alexa, you're right. Richard Avedon is one of my favorite photographers.

Crafty Green Poet said...

great way to interpret the meme! A great song too!

Virginia said...

You are the clever one today. Nice memories or a great duo!

Jilly said...

You are SO imaginative, Bibi. Hard to believe that song first appeared in 1970...


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.