Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday Briges--Spinal Bridge

Here I am desperate again for a 'bridge' photo. The above photo of spine-heeled boots that are almost guaranteed to throw your back out of line was taken last fall, and I really wanted to use it. Thanks to Google, I found spinal bridge and can post it today!
You can click on the link to see what a spinal bridge yoga exercise looks like, but briefly, it:
  • Stretches your chest, neck, spine and hips.
  • Strengthens your back, buttocks, and hamstring muscles.
  • Calms your brain and central nervous system which helps alleviate stress and mild depression.
  • Massages abdominal organs and improves digestion.
  • Stimulates the lungs and thyroid glands and helps relieve the symptoms of menopause.
  • Reduces anxiety, backache, headache and insomnia.
And I'll bet all of you (including me) reading that can benefit from at least one of those!

Check out other bridges, beneficial or not, at LOUIS LA VACHE'S SUNDAY BRIDGES.


Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Oh you are ever the creative photographer and thinker, my friend! Those boots are a little bit creepy... hehe


Gabriele said...

Great Blog Header! I love Fashion Window Displays... :)
Greetings from Berlin

Gaelyn said...

Those are Just butt ugly boot heels. You're so funny how you beat the bridge game.

Luis Gomez said...

These are pretty scary boots Bibi.

Thérèse said...

Do these heels require check-ups?

Alexa said...

You're so right (and so clever!)—whoever wears these will need bridge pose for sure (and maybe a visit from the fashion police). :~}

Unknown said...

if women were meant to wear high heels, our heels must have been designed differently.:p these spine-heeled boots must have been designed by somebody who hates women. LOL

Lowell said...

For some reason I've never had symptoms of menopause. ;-)

But I'd still never wear those boots.

Weird is not quite the word. Funky! Foolish! Frightening! Freaky! Yeah, they all work.

Great capture!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Quirky and clever take on the meme theme.

Jilly said...

Just when I think you can't find another way to use the word, you do! And goodness, what shoes. They should be in Monte Carlo!

Chuck Pefley said...

You come up with the craziest posts-:))

Tash said...

OK - this is the WILDEST bridge post to date --- and you've had some very creative ones. A pair belonging in Spinal Tap.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.