Wednesday, April 6, 2011

ABC WEDNESDAY--"L" is for "Lucky me"

I posted this same photo on March 31st, but no one saw it, or at least left a comment. Not blaming you, but rather me, since somehow I goofed on the posting and it was still sitting there as a draft two days later.

To repeat myself, this is breakfast prepared by my good friend Pete, whose wife Mira is also a very, very good friend. They've helped me in all kinds of situations more than you can imagine, most recently with my mother, the reason I am now in the US.

Pete loves to cook and remembers who likes what. Here he remembered that I like two pieces of toast and coffee. The slice of turkey and the egg he added for protein! He also remembered I always sneak Bibi some of what I eat, so he put a slice of turkey on the little napkin...see it?

LUCKY me to have such good friends.

See other L's at ABC WEDNESDAY.


Luis Gomez said...

Beautiful! It is so great to have good friends. said...

awww... you know when you have a friend who thinks of your doggy they are a very extra special friend.
: )
How wonderful you know how lucky you are!

Thérèse said...

Quelle attention délicate... I'll try to remember...

Roger Owen Green said...

here's to good friends!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Alexa said...

Love your still-life—and your appreciation of good friends—they are a blessing indeed!

Gaelyn said...

So nice for both of you to be pampered by dear friends. Hope all is well.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Yummy choice for L.

Please come and see the Lamborghini at my page.

Leslie: said...

You definitely are LUCKY to have friends who LOVE you so much!

abcw team

Olivier said...

c'est agreable d'avoir un ami qui pense a toi

Chuck Pefley said...

So, you get an egg and toast and all I get is a partial chunk of butter?!?? That's not fair -:)

So essential to have good friends ... glad you do!

Daryl said...

Yup, lucky .. they and you!

Meryl said...

I really like the photo. There is a pleasing balance both with the colors and objects.

Glad you (re)posted it.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.