Wednesday, April 13, 2011

ABC WEDNESDAY "M" is for "Man, that's cool."

"Man, that's really cool!" is what this fish might be saying. Dig those shades....

See other M's on ABC WEDNESDAY.

In USA for family issue.


Olivier said...

tres fun ;o)))

Gunn said...

Not a happy face, but FUNNY!:)

Web-OJ said...

OMG! That's sad and funny at the same time!! ***hysterical giggle!

Roger Owen Green said...

has that supermodel pout down pat

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Thérèse said...

Not such a happy life!

London Caller said...

Ha ha! She forgot to apply her sun cream!
Hence, so red!

Gaelyn said...

Only to be seen at Pikes Market!

Luis Gomez said...

Wonderful Bibi, I am still laughing!

Chubskulit Rose said...

What a great choice for letter M! That is so cool!

My Letter M, hope you can come and see. Have a nice day!

Daryl said...

On the Upper Westside there is a fish store called Citarella's .. the employee who 'decorates' the window each week always does something funny .. I think he's twin is working in the shop you found that fish in!

J.Rylie.C said...

Beautiful M entry!

Will you lease come and see my Letter M? Thank you!

Leslie: said...

Hilarious! You've made me sMile!!!

abcw team

Alexa said...

You made me smile too! (Maybe you know that I love to photograph fish—dead or alive—and this one is waaay cool.)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.