Wednesday, April 20, 2011

ABC WEDNESDAY-"N" is for "noshing"

Like these pastries? I did...of course not all of them. My daughter and son-in-law noshed on them... Yum.

See what others have done with the letter N on ABC WEDNESDAY.

Am in the US on a family matter for a couple more months.


Wanda said...

Oh dear, of my downfalls...just can't turn them right over...

The flowers sure give the pastry a nice touch.

Roger Owen Green said...

tasty-looking noshes

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Leslie: said...

Good one! Your post is the only one so far using the word "noshing" and I love it! I'm planning on getting fancy scones and crumpets for watching the British royal wedding next week with a friend. And we will NOSH!!! lol

abcw team said...

Sorry I haven't been around Bibi, been a little under the weather.
I see your pictures are looking grand as always. I especially love the shot from the 14th!

Alexa said...

Yum—that looks like either a pain au chocolat or something pruny and delicious on the bottom left.
Actually, I never eat this sort of thing and it all looks good! And good choice for N.

Tash said...

What a lovely setting! And good thing I was not there, I would of noshed all the pastries. - once I looked up what 'nosh' means.

Cezar and Léia said...

I love the composition for this picture, a charming table there and wow looks delicious those pastries!
Very nice N post!
Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg

Kate said...

NUM!! The pastries look good enough to eat!!

Jane and Chris said...

I don't eat pastries but they look good!
Jane x


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.