Friday, April 22, 2011

SKYWATCH - Majestic Mount Rainier

Mount Rainier, or 'the mountain,' as it is known here, rises majestically in the distance. Viewed from Gig Harbor, Washington.

Am in the US until July on a family matter.

See other skies at > SKYWATCH FRIDAY.


Olivier said...

une vraie carte postale, c'est magnifique, cela fait rever

Four-eyed-missy said...

What an amazing shot! This is truly breath-taking.

Inside Cambodia

Thérèse said...

Quand on pense au printemps présent on est prêt à faire un pas en arrière et à s'arrêter longuement pour admirer les contrastes de l'hiver qui stagne là-bas dans la montagne.

ibarrere said...

Ahhh brilliant! The mountain makes me miss my home (and the beer...).

Alexa said...

This one's a real stunner. "The mountain" is truly majestic.

Bob Crowe said...

That's a favorite old sight. When the sky looks like this my Seattle friends say that Rainier has its hat on.

Gaelyn said...

A great mountain indeed!

Hope you are well. I'm finally back in AZ at least for a few days.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.