Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The effects of wine...

Like my friend Isobel, I am a thrift shop junkie. They pull me in like a magnet... I bought a few things in a Napa store, but Isobel lucked out with these wild, wild sandals....


Luis Gomez said...

Those look very nice!

Anonymous said...

I love trift shops too.Treasure you can find there:)
This sandals look awsome:)

RNSANE said...

I try to avoid thrift shops these days as I am having to move from the four bedroom home I've rented for 13 years and am faced with having to downsize. I am donating much to Goodwill and trying to sell some things on Craig's list. At 66, having lost my nursing job of 21 years 2 years ago and, I was plunged into retirement and poverty!!!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.