Saturday, May 7, 2011

REFLECTIONS WEEKEND-une voiture pour Louis!

Louis La Vache of Bay Photo loves vintage cars, and so I just had to snap this 1950 Packard, which was parked across the street. An Alaskan plate... it's gone now...

See other reflections at NEWTOWN DAILY PHOTO.


Anonymous said...

I remember my father telling us a story that when we arrived from belgrade in new Zealand in 1991 it was full of vintage cars.He use to tease his brother who spend a fortune in serbia first importing and than restoring an old Ford.Here it was just normal.Not any more ...Nice pic's

Thérèse said...

Very elegant!

Gaelyn said...

Love that hood ornament. I've always wanted to put a Dodge Ram (because of March/Aries birthday) on my Ford. But they're impossible to steal. ;) said...

Happy Mother's Day Bibi!

'Tsuki said...

So fancy... Well done !

Louis la Vache said...

Yes! «Louis» loves old cars, but none more so than Packards! He thanks you very much for this!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.