Sunday, May 29, 2011

Somewhere on Highway 395

Drove 10 hours today from Bishop, California, to Redding, California..... Took this from the car, rested camera on my shoulder..... I feel like I should write a warning like those stuntmen-car ads: "Do not attempt this at home." If it's any consolation, my eyes never left the road, but my camera was looking in the other direction.

See other bridges on Louis La Vache's SUNDAY BRIDGES.


Anonymous said...

You have such a good eye for beautiful spots.Tahnk you for sharing with us

Thérèse said...

Mount Shasta ahead of you if I can recall...
A lot of driving here Bibi!

Luis Gomez said...

Love your driving Bibi. Excellent picture as well! ;)

Jack said...

Officer, I have never done this. Never. Well, hardly ever. OK, maybe just twice today.

Gaelyn said...

Nice drive by shooting. I do that all the time. If I stopped for every shot I'd never get anywhere. That's a traveler for you.

Kaori said...

Amazing blind shot! Love the view :D

Chuck Pefley said...

No, don't try this at home -:) Clever, Bibi!

Francisca said...

Well done.. you got the bridge, and nicely, too. I've been posting a lot of drive-by shots while in Romania, including today's bridge, but I'm not the driver!

Lesley said...

Nope, never done that myself, not ever. Really. Well, maybe. (mine just don't turn out as well, so i've never had a chance to admit anything! never thought of resting the camera on myself_

Tash said...

Great capture...I like the shoulder tip.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.