Wednesday, July 20, 2011

ABC WEDNESDAY "A" is for 'angels"

Little Mila (see yesterday's photo) is in there somewhere.... Some things haven't changed here, and you can see that the babies are swaddled (but a couple seem to have their arms free) and stacked like little loaves of bread to be delivered to their mothers at feeding time. They did it like this when my kids were born, too. Mothers at home don't swaddle as a rule; I think this is just hospital efficiency!

Little angels.

See more A's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Luis Gomez said...

Great picture Bibi! Congratulations again to you and your family!

Live2cherish said...

What an apt way to begin with: A for angels! God Bless.
But stacking these little angels brings shivers to my spine.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Lovely angels!

Please come and see someArt Expression at my page, thanks.

Wanda said...

Angels indeed. Only one looks a little unhappy. Marvelous picture.

Anonymous said...

Wow .So many babies in one place;)
I use to swaddle my daughter..they recommend it here and I do beleive it helped her settle down when she slept..

Roger Owen Green said...

we NEVER mastered swaddling, much to our regret in the hospital!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

photowannabe said...

They truly look like loaves of bread. How interesting, it did take me back a bit. I think a lot of babies like to be swaddled. it seemed to calm mine down at times.
Terrific post Bibi.

Alexa said...

Well, that got a laugh and a great big aaaaaww from me! I hope little Mila's not underneath one of the BIG babies. You sure do have the perfect post for "A"! said...

Awwwwww! how Adorable!
We swaddled our son but he was big and wiggled his way out quite easily so it was as if we never did.
A big congratulations to you & yours Bibi.
It looks as if you got home just in time!
I can see from the post below Baby Mila looks so Beautiful!

Olivier said...

une belle brochette de bebes. cela doit faire du bruit ;))

J e l e n a said...

What a perfect title Bibi! What a great picture! They have changed the rules of not bathing babies the first couple of days according to the pediatric recommendations in the EU, so there will be some changes when Mila gets home. Just whipping with clean cloth where they say. It saves the protection film on their skin.

canngil said...

We used to call it making a Baby Burrito here in Southern California! How did they tell which baby went to who like that??? Here we have baby ankle bands and mommy wrist bands that they match up. Can't see them there!

Gaelyn said...

How strange to be stacking babies on top of each other.

Soma said...

Welcome back, Bibi! Fantastic photo, can't take my eyes off of it :-) It makes me want to take all that bread home :-)

Shooting Parrots said...

There are two babies in there who think it is feeding time already!

J e l e n a said...

We do have matching bracelets for mothers and babies and I just don't kow what the deal is with all the writing. You can see the bracelet on one baby.

Thérèse said...

Quite a nice bunch of babies!
They have each other warmth and are not isolated at least.

Daryl said...

Apparently mothers here still swaddle and its likely because the baby seems more comfortable/secure

Unknown said...

I wouldn't want to be on the bottom row and I sure hope Mila in on top! Wonderful photo, Bibi!
ABC Team

Jay at The Depp Effect said...

I tried swaddling with my first son, but he absolutely hated it! Didn't bother with the second .. maybe I should have tried it for him, since most seem to enjoy it.

Interesting picture. I'm not sure I'd be happy if my baby were stacked like that!

Elizabeth said...

Great picture. Reminds me how I swaddled all of my children for the first few weeks.

Kathy said...

This photo, by far, is my favorite for the letter A. It ranks waaaaay high on the awwwww factor!

Tash said...

Ha, ha! I bet they like being all snug and all together. Prizewinning photo, "Bibi". Absolute angels!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

One little one looks hungry NOW. Do they keep the babies together most of the time or only when they are getting ready to take them to the moms? Interesting post and fab photo.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.