Wednesday, June 22, 2011

ABC WEDNESDAY "W" is for "Water Drops"

Splash, and I gotcha! My son-in-law, who recently purchased the same camera as I have, and I have been practicing taking photos of water drops. I'd always thought this was really hard to do, but we followed the directions in the recent edition of Petersen's Photographic fun projects and it wasn't hard at all. You can also find instructions online.

See other W's at ABC WEDNESDAY.


Olivier said...

tres bel exercice photographique, superbe

Tash said...

That is gorgeous! Love all the colors too.

Roger Owen Green said...

water, shot well, is fascinating.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Alexa said...

Beautifully realized—and the colors and reflections are amazing too. I'm headed straight for Petersen's!

Gaelyn said...

It looks like a glass sculpture. Magnificent capture. said...

thanks for the tip Bibi! I can't wait to try it.

Anonymous said...

This ought to be one of your masterpieces.Well done;)

Thérèse said...

A+ pour l'exercice!

Chubskulit Rose said...

That's gorgeous!

Would love you to peek at my ABC. You are welcome to come by anytime, have a nice day!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.