Not much of a view, I'll admit, but we had other things to look at! This is the view from my daughter-in-law's hospital room. We were all looking at Baby Mila (see this past week's photos)...except me once when I took this photo.... The bridge is a Serbian-Chinese joint venture.
Oops! Goofed on who's making the bridge. See Vladimir's comment below.See other bridges at
Bibi, what a great shot! I truly love it. Wonderful light!
I was born there too! Great blog, great photo (you can see the new bridge!!) keep up the good work.
Like the view. You caught it in the right moment.
Btw, this bridge is not a Serbian-Chinese joint venture. That is soon-to-be-started bridge over Danube, that should connect Zemun and Borcha.
One that you took picture of is funded by Belgrade alone, taking a loan from European bank for Reconstruction and Development.
P.S. Glad to have you back in Belgrade and wish you and your family a lot of joy and happiness!
Whoops! Thanks, Vladimir. Will add a note to post above.
Congratulations on Baby Mila!
«Louis» linked you!
Congratulations!! Look how tiny that crane is perched on top of the bridge support - amazing!
I'd rather be looking at baby Mila.
Nice bridge—but easy to see why it didn't get much of anyone's attention! Love yesterday's reflection too.
what's the Chinese doing there?
Happy that you are in Belgrade and I can enjoy pics like this;)
Its an interesting view .. reminds me of the one from St Luke's cardio floor
Well, I like the view. And I like the colors...it could serve as the back cover of a spy novel set in about 1975...
Baby Mila is beautiful!
Mila will have to cross a lot of bridges in her life! One of them has already been crossed with success.
WOW! This is definitely “big city” at its finest....so much in all directions and the roadway right through the center. Your capture is wonderful. You composed it beautifully. Genie
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