Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday Bridges--Marmot Bridge, Oregon

Hard-pressed for a bridge photo again and despite the title, I am not in Oregon, but rather in Lake Chelan, in Eastern Washington, where I spotted this marmot outside the local Wal*Mart with a few members of his family.

A Google search revealed to me that there's great white-water rafting at Marmot Bridge, Oregon, so that's how this post qualifies for today's meme, or sort of.

See some real bridges at Louis la Vache's Sunday Bridges.


Nelson said...

Hello! My first visit, will visit you again. Seriously, I thoroughly enjoyed your posts. Interesting photos.Congratulations for your work. If you wish to follow back that would be great I'm at
Thanks for sharing!

Gaelyn said...

I think marmots are cute. And Chelan is a beautiful place.

Crafty Green Poet said...

beautiful marmot!

Anonymous said...

How lucky to catch him there;)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.