Wednesday, July 27, 2011

ABC WEDNESDAY-'B' is for 'Belgrade bovines'

It's Belgrade's turn to do cows. I like this cloudy cow that matches the sky.

(If you visited me earlier today, you saw another photo....I'd forgotten it was Wednesday--that photo will be back tomorrow!)

See other B's on ABC WEDNESDAY


J e l e n a said...

In 1998 I saw these same cows in Zurich all over the city, only painted differently. It took them 13 years to get here, but at least they are her.

Olivier said...

et le lait , il sort tout bleu ;o) il y a eut la meme exposition dans Paris il y a deux ans, si je me souviens bien.

Chrissy Brand said...

What a lovely photo- fun in the foreground- history in the background


Roger Owen Green said...

nice alliteration!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

VioletSky said...

I think these things are such fun. Years ago we had moose, instead of cows, but it didn't go over so well, for some reason.

Gaelyn said...

I lived in a town that did bears.

Greensboro Daily Photo said...

And a BL.....UUUUUU.....E bovine, at that. I think I would have chosen the cloudy blue one too. Is just perfect with your border. Hope Louis La Vache sees this one!

Luis Gomez said...

Love it Bibi! Great capture.

Daryl said...

I loved it when NYC hosted Cow Parade!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Cool cows.

photowannabe said...

It seems the bovine statues are a worldwide phenomenon.
I see them everywhere. Great shot and perfect for ABC Wednesday.

Alexa said...

Nice bovines, Bibi! I loved it when NYC had these crazy cows all over town.

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

Great shot. We have our own colorful cow in Valladolid:

Kathy said...

Interesting. I gather this is something of a traveling idea, but they seem just a tad out of place in front of that beautiful, historic building.

canngil said...

Fullerton, California had a herd of decorated fiberglass sheep a couple of years ago. a fun display for the community!

Lowell said...

You've got cows, we've got horses. If we'd get together we could have a farm!

Chuck Pefley said...

Bibi, reminds me of the Pike Place Pigs on parade -:)

Glad to hear you're functioning at full throttle again on your home turf. I'm enjoying my blog vacation very much. Don't know if it will be permanent, but I sure don't miss the daily posting deadline.

I think I'll do theme days only for awhile.



 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!