Wednesday, July 6, 2011

ABC WENESDAY - "Y" is for "Yakima"

Yakima, a town in Eastern Washington, produces some of the best cherries I've ever tasted. And here they are! I must say that in the time this photo uploaded, these cherries were history....

What's your favorite fruit?

See other Y's at ABC WEDNESDAY.


Anonymous said...

I love cherries too, but watermelons are my favourite, yum

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...


nonizamboni said...

I'm familiar with that lovely Yakima valley and you ate the best. Lovely photo too!

Roger Owen Green said...

my favorite fruit is the strawberry, but cherries are nice too.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Wanda said...

My husband's favorite is cherries. I happen to love fresh blueberries.

Leslie: said...

I'm not far from Yakima (just north in BC) but my Y is for Yale, a historic gold mining town in BC. Love cherries, from Yakima or from the BC Okanagan area. Great photo!

abcw team

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Lovely composition.

Olivier said...

hummm de bonnes cerises, c'est tres bon said...

Yummy is right! I LOVE this type of cherry.

photowannabe said...

Oh its so hard to choose. Peaches right from our tree, cherries and necterines too. Yummmm
You make me hungry.

Gaelyn said...

You make me drool for Yakima cherries. And it's so fun to spit the pits.

Thérèse said...

I wish we could find such cherries around here... it is so difficult to find tasty fruits these days except in our own gardens...

Daryl said...

Life is .. and blueberries are my favorite fruit ..

Chubskulit Rose said...

Looks so sweet!

My ABC, please come and see.

The Poet said...

Cherries on their own, not so much...cover them in chocolate...yummy! BUT, my favorite fruit would have to be mangoes


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.