Saturday, August 20, 2011


When reminded of Winston Churchill's comment on France, "How can you govern a country with 300 cheeses?" Charles de Gaulle retorted: "There are at least 350."

Here in Serbia there appears to be, at first glance, one kind of cheese: white cheese, or 'beli sir". However, as white or cream-colored as the cheeses are, there is actually quite a variety: younger, older, salty or not, spreadable, creamy... I've never counted and doubt if there are 350, but you never know. In the photo above, you can see only a few of the cheeses available here. Visit any outdoor market and you'll see lots more. I'll see if I can scrape up a photo for you. The little clay pots contain yogurt, and the plastic white ones are filled with heavy cream.

See other reflections and maybe even more cheese at James'


Luis Gomez said...

Looks wonderful and delicious Bibi.

trump said...

Greetings from the Amish settlement of Lebanon,Pa. Have a very nice weekend everyone. Richard from Amish Stories.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Oh, how I adore cheeses of all types. What an interesting column that is of stacked cheese. I'll take some older, salty cheese, svp.

Bon weekend, mon amie!


Anonymous said...

Njami:) Serbian cheese in filopastry(gibanica) comes to my mind.We can make,buy here similar cheeses,but one thing you can't find anywhere else is kajmak!(don't know how toi translate it)

Gemma Wiseman said...

An incredible display of cheese! About the only cheese I don't really like is blue vein!

Greensboro Daily Photo said...

You and Versaille Daily Photo are on the same wavelength. Cheese, cheese, wonderful cheese!

We'll bring the crackers!

Tash said...

Mmmmmmmmmmmm...mladi sir i mileram. I jogurt sto se moze piti.

Alexa said...

Yay, cheese! Do you have anything there that tastes like reblochon (my current fave, though how can you have a fave with so many to choose from?).

'Tsuki said...

I can't decide what I like the most about this posting : the dairy lovable picture... Or this delicious piece of dialogue between Churchill and De Gaulle, which is so funny...

Greetings from France !

Lowell said...

Very nice, Bibi! I love cheese. Most kinds. This would be an expensive place for me, I'm sure!

Thérèse said...

I would go for the yogurt that I find delicious and I miss the "yogurt berlingots."

Anonymous said...

Cheese, a food that crosses cultural, ethnic and national boundaries to include everyone who loves a piece of fermented milk heaven!

MarieElizabeth said...

YUM! Great shot.

James said...

I love cheese and I love reflections. :)

Daryl said...

I love cheese .. especially the spreadable form


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.