There exist
cultural bridges that come in all forms, from institutions to online websites like
Serbia's Ambassador to the World," and of course, people, like my friends and I above in 1968 when we were students (that's our director) there, too, in Aix-en-Provence in 1968. I am on the right. We all met up in Napa, if you remember from a couple of photos like
this one taken last summer. All of us pictured, including our director now in his 80's and wife, who kept up with all of us are, like you photo bloggers,
cultural bridges.
See more bridges of all kinds at Louis La Vache's
This is a wonderful bridge Bibi! Lovely!
I like when you build bridges like that.Wiith good maintenance ,,they are for life:)
Another great "bridge," Bibi—and I had no trouble recognizing you in this photo!
a truly perfect 'bridge'
J'aime beaucoup ce pont!
Les "plus beaux ponts" qui puissent exister of course!
Obviously the best kind of bridges!
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