Sunday, September 11, 2011

SUNDAY BRIDGES-biking on Branko's Bridge

Another biker, probably returning to Old Belgrade from some event, bikes over Branko's Bridge.

If you click here, you'll see another biker carrying a sign....

See other bridges at Louis La Vache's SUNDAY BRIDGES.


Alexa said...

Well, peekaboo! (Like the little pop of color w/the flags too.)

Luis Gomez said...

I like the flags as well!

Anonymous said...

Lucky him.We have only one bridge here..and we are not allowed to bike over it:((

Jim said...

Just a glimpse.

Pat said...

Can you say "Stalker"? Kidding! You must have held your finger at the ready to capture this!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.