Sunday, September 25, 2011

SUNDAY BRIDGES--a looong way out there...

Not a recent photo, but I'm hard-up for a bridge. The Sava River occasionally rises and if you're in the mood for lunch or dinner on a floating cafe or restaurant, it's a loooong way out there.

See more bridges at Louis La Vache's SUNDAY BRIDGES.


Luis Gomez said...


Lesley said...

If a wave were to happen... one would get a little wet!

Louis la Vache said...

Bibi, you were first up with a post at Sunday Bridges.

Anonymous said...

Very inportant to know how to swim..before you walk down thsi one;)

Anonymous said...

Great shoot, love the sky! Mind if I ask when and where this was taken?

Thérèse said...

Just to go on the bridge and back should be fun!

Crafty Green Poet said...

gosh, looks a little precarious!

Lowell said...

I love it! And walking back and forth on that "bridge" would be a good way to work off some calories...

Re your comment on Ocala: I think the Cameo building may have been the office part of a motel at one time...and the red "mailbox" is, I believe, a depository for film if perchance the store is closed.

Have a wonderful week!

How is Mom?

Pat said...

Nikola, I believe I took this a year ago last summer, along the Sava in 'Blok 45/70" somewhere!

Gaelyn said...

Good thing they have extra dock.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, never saw this restaurant before so I thought it wasn't taken in Belgrade. Once again, great shot.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.