Thursday, October 20, 2011

Buy this house---cheap!!

Who wants to buy this well-maintained, manufactured home in Gig Harbor, Washington? I am desperate to sell my mother's house!

I have listed it with the retirement community's sales office and on Craigslist, so click on that link it you are interested. If you'd like to read more about this retirement community, please click here!

This is a manufactured home, and can be moved, if you happen to have a lot in the area. Or anywhere, but in the area is easier!

I have listed the price, but I will sell it to anyone who makes me a reasonable offer. If you have questions, you can always write to me at the email link under View My Complete Profile--About Me.


Gaelyn said...

Don't need to buy a house but will try to help by giving this a Stumble. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Good luck Bibi.Every house sells eventually:)

Lowell said...

You've certainly had your hands full and it just goes on...

Looks like a very nice home. I don't know what the market is doing up there but I'd think you would get some offers on it rather quickly.

Best wishes for a quick sale!

Thérèse said...

Always a matter of time and... of nerves...
Good luck!

Daryl said...

Good luck, it took us almost 2 yrs on the market to sell my parents condo in South Florida .. and we had to compromise on the price ..

Tash said...

Such a nice place. Love the flaming rhodedendron(?) bush in front too. I sure wish you success in getting a buyer.

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» hopes you can sell this home soon. He assumes the WA housing market is only slightly less in the tank than the CA market, but hopes it is considerably more robust than CA.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.