Saturday, October 8, 2011


Not really amethysts, of course, but the purple beads and glasses remind me of amethyst, my birthstone.

What's your birthstone?

See other reflections on James' WEEKEND REFLECTION.


Luis Gomez said...

Pretty! I don't know mine.

Lowell said...

A nice reflection on your birthday and birthstone!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful colours:)

Leif Hagen said...

Lovely purple beads! My birthstone? Hmm, what is it for June birthdays? Pearl? Diamond?

Gaelyn said...

Beautiful glasses and I do love amethyst. My birthstone is either aquamarine or bloodstone. But I'm really most partial to turquoise. said...

Amethyst is mine too! I think I remember we are both Aquarians.
Beautiful shot Bibi.
; )

Thérèse said...

Lovely colors.
Did you know that there is only one amethyst mine in the US and that it is in the Four Peaks area??

Alexa said...

What a nice shot! Mine's the same as Gaelyn's—and I find it interesting (though not at all surprising) that the men here don't know what their birthstone is; I'm sure I've known mine since I was three! :~}

Gine said...

Fastueux ! Bien trouvé !

Anne-Ma said...

Les couleurs sont belles.

Il semble que ma pierre de naissance est aussi l'améthyste :-)

TheChieftess said...

Semi precious is Turquoise or precious is blue zircon...I prefer the Turquoise!!!

Love this shot!!! Very fun...but where's the margarita???

MeMumbaikar said...

So pretty.
I love the colour.
Mine is opal.


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!