Monday, October 3, 2011

Two blondes

These two ladies were enjoying the sun at Seattle's Westlake center. So was I. The one in the background was on the phone the entire 45 minutes I sat there.

Do you think that cell phones cause health problems when used excessively?


Vladimir Krzalic said...

Don't know for the lady on the phone, but if I were on the phone for 45 mins i would definitely have a health problem. Even 4.5 minutes over a phone is too much for me.

Great capture though.. really like the light on the gold shoes.

Olivier said...

"Nous sommes deux soeurs jumelles
Nées sous le signe des gémeaux
Mi fa sol la mi ré, ré mi fa sol sol sol ré do
Toutes deux demoiselles
Ayant eu des amants très tôt
Mi fa sol la mi ré, ré mi fa sol sol sol ré do " ;o))

Anonymous said...

Sure wouldn't use 45 minutes phone sitting on a nice terace on a nice day:)Blond for sure;)

Luis Gomez said...

Lovely light! What a waste 45 minutes!

Gaelyn said...

Maybe it's a blonde thing. ;)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Great candid shot Bibi, although I'm trying not to take offense at the 'blonde jibes' haha!

Thérèse said...

Not even a glass of water for this long chat...

Lowell said...

Nicely done. Love the hair on the nearest woman. Great colors. Sharp photo!

Yes, I think the evidence has become clear - excessive use of cell phones is dangerous to one's brain and may well cause brain cancer. We'll know more in a few years, whether we want to or not!

Daryl said...

Using a cellphone can dim your intelligence because you spend more time talking than thinking/experiencing

Alexa said...

Ha! Nicely captured! While walking the streets of NYC, I've recently identified a new syndrome that I call PIHHUA: Phone In Hand Head Up . . . well, you know.

Tash said...

I wanna be the one in the stripes! love the shot.
I don't think cell phone use is as much of a health risk as sitting for so long. I've started standing at work for most of the day when I use the computer - which is most of the day. I feel better but my feet are suffering!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.