Monday, December 12, 2011

This is MY space!

Parking spaces are precious in a big city, and although it's not permitted to park on 'green areas', some do... This space is far from green, but it's been staked out and locked up. Who's got the key?


Olivier said...

bien vu (le titre aussi) et surprenant

Luis Gomez said...

I guess it is. I have seen this kind of thing in some other places where parking is precious.

Thérèse said...

And nobody has dug it out yet!

Predrag said...

They should install garbage cans around the area. Unfortunate to see soda bottle on the sidewalk

Daryl said...

Thats a pretty strong statement .. here the illegally parked get booted that way

Alexa said...

I'm torn between admiration for such chutzpah and thinking the traffic cops should lie in wait and fine his (or her) butt from here to Tuesday. Leaning toward the first option, I think, and still glad I don't have a car.


 Two summer ago I went with my family to  Barcelona. Gorgeous weather, not too hot, but very sunny. Couldn't resist photographing this l...