Sunday, February 26, 2012

SUNDAY BRIDGES-Bridging the Gap: "And the seasons, they go 'round and 'round...."

Little Mila again, fervently pulling my son's (her father) chest hair. I spared you his pained expression.

Today is my son's birthday, and I thought of no more appropriate song than this one below by Joni Mitchell. Makes me teary, though.... How about you? It bridges the gap between the visual media and music.

See other bridges of all kinds at Louis La Vache's SUNDAY BRIDGES.


Luis Gomez said...

Happy birthday to your son! Beautiful son to accompany this post Bibi.

Katie (Nature ID) said...

Looks like you're enjoying being a grandmother. I love this song. I've had another of Joni's songs (California) linked on my profile page ever since I started my Nature ID blog. Maybe I should switch songs.

Louis la Vache said...

What a fine contribution to Sunday Bridges, Bibi! ....and Happy Birthday to your son!

Julie said...

Lovely birthday gift for your son, Bibi. I adore the photograph of Mila tugging at his chest hair, and Jonie M. has long (long, long) been a favourite of mine.

I am glad you are into the allegorical bridging. Such a joy to experience. I am still, sadly, rooted in the reality of bridging.

Gaelyn said...

I so enjoy the way you interpret life. Happy Birthday to your son.

Juliette said...

Wishing your son a very happy birthday. Great picture and ... one of my alltime favorite songs!

Indrani said...

Great interpretation!
Happy Birthday to your son.

brattcat said...

happy birthday to your son!

eileeninmd said...

Happy Birthday to your son! Happy Sunday!

Lowell said...

Yikes! We hope that your son's birthday has been a wonderful event for all concerned.

AL said...

OUCH! I have a hairy chest and know exactly what your son's expression looks like!

Tash said...

What a joyful gift to have those chubby darling hands around. Super capture there. And very happy birthday wishes to D.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

love the baby's hand. did Dad say Ouch!!!!

Daryl said...

belated happy birthday to your son .. what a sweet (painfully so I suspect) photo!

Alexa said...

Happy (belated) birthday to your son, who is probably willing to take whatever little Mila can dish out (or he could always start wearing turtlenecks).

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Happy belated birthday to your son Bibi, j'adore this image, precious moments, with many more to look forward to. Joni Mitchell is such good value, great choice.

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Beautiful post.
Happy birthday to your son!

Regards and best wishes


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.