Monday, January 2, 2012

Busy after the holidays....

Gypsies do a fair amount of recycling here in the city, and after New Year's there's lots of paper to pick up. This fellow even managed to find some seasonal oilcloth to use as a seat cover.


Olivier said...

vehicule assez surprenant ;)

Luis Gomez said...

It is a great and colorful shot Bibi. Pretty much a street shot!

Bob Crowe said...

Happy New Year to Serbia. This is an intriguing picture of a very clever man. Quite the novel use of a garden tractor.

Gaelyn said...

I like the wagon.

Andy said...

Interesting vehicle. It looks like a tiller on the front.

Lowell said...

I'm very amused by that contraption...looks rather like a converted tractor and trailer! Nice to see people out and about busily going about their business.

I had to laugh at your comment about being up early on New Year's Day, because I was, in fact, on the golf course at 7:30! It was cold, though. Well, for us; 45 degrees! But it warmed up nicely and before long we were in shirt-sleeves.

I'm playing tomorrow, too. Supposed to be 30 in the morning and only a high of 50 or so...quite cold for us.

We'll be back to normal by Thursday!

Wishing you all the best for 2012!

Daryl said...

what an odd looking truck .. great capture said...

wow! that is great! & I love seeing people recycle.

Happy New Year Bibi-hope your 2012 is an amazing one.
: )

RAS said...

The history of the Gypsy money making machine is very interesting. Please see this documentary:)

Pat said...

Ras, that's GREAT! I've passed it on.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.