Thursday, February 23, 2012

Old, forgotten, but recycled.

On a path leading up to Tašmajdan Park and to Saint Marko's cathedral, I came across this flagstone that seems to have been some sort of plaque once-upon-a-time. I can only hope it isn't part of an old gravestone. There's no cemetery nearby, but perhaps there once was.

Dear Readers: PLEASE see Jelena's note below and mine just below hers.


Olivier said...

un vieux cimetiere ?

Gaelyn said...

Does make you wonder.

J e l e n a said...

Bibi, Tasmajdan was a cemetery once ibu it was moved to the Novo Groblje.

" Na groblju koje je bilo na prostoru današnjeg parka počivala je elita ondašnje Srbije, poput Đure Jakšića, Mine Karadžić, kao i Josifa Pančića, koji je sahranjen u specijalnom kovčegu izrađenom od Pančićeve omorike - priča Golubović, i dodaje da je groblje, zvanično, preseljeno, ali da su mnogi pokojnici, koji nisu imali naslednike, prosto zaboravljeni, pa su do danas ostali tamo. Dokaz je i nadgrobni spomenik koji je pre nekoliko godina iskopan prilikom toplifikacije zgrade Seizmološkog zavoda. Na centralnom delu groblja, koje se prostiralo današnjim šetalištem, počivali su pravoslavci, a deo bliži Takovskoj bio je odvojen za protestante."

Pat said...

Dear readers,

Please see Jelena's comment above mine. The cemetery in Tasmajdan was moved to what is now called New Cemetery (in Belgrade) in 1888.

“The cemetery, which was the site of today's park, was made up of the then Serbian elite, such as Duro Jaksic, Mine Karadzic and Joseph Pančić, ....was officially moved but that many of the deceased, who had no heirs, simply forgotten, and they still remain there. The proof is a tombstone that was unearthed several years ago during work on the building heating tghe Seismological Bureau. In the central part of the cemetery, ...."

Louis la Vache said...

What an interesting find, Bibi!

Daryl said...

You now qualify as a archeologist! Great find .. and thanks to Jelena for the scoop


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.