Friday, February 17, 2012

SKYWATCH--Prince Miloš Obrenović

Prince Miloš Obrenović (MEE-lush O-bren-o-veetch, 1780-1860) was Prince of Serbia twice (1815-1839 and 1858-1860). He participated in the First Serbian Uprising against the Ottoman Empire and later led the Serbs in the Second Serbian Uprising in Takovo, Serbia. Under him, Serbia became an autonomous duchy within the Ottoman Empire. I used to drive down Belgrade’s main boulevard, Kneza Miloša, just about every day and never noticed this statue...until I walked by. Slow down and see.... Photo taken before our big snow...since then, I pick my way along sidewalks, lest I slip or be hit by a falling icicle.

See other skies on SKYWATCH.


HansHB said...

I wish you a Happy Friday!

Rajesh said...

Wonderful shot of the sculpture.

TheChieftess said...

Dodging falling icicles makes it tough to set up for that perfect shot!!!

Luis Gomez said...

Great shot Bibi. Thanks for all the info.

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers said...

It was the perfect day for you to take the photo. What a great statue. I saw news footage from fairly close to you yesterday. I hope you are keeping warm in all that snow.

Mandy said...

That sky is really gorgeous as is the statue itself.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Said it before, say it again. Blogging is possibly the truest way to view another country, especially one most of us know little about unless it is a newsworthy item. Educational and beautiful upshot.

Gaelyn said...

I'd rather be passing the statue on a sunny day. Be careful out there, and stay warm.

Dolce Fooda said...

Milos was one of the best Serbian politician... I wouldn't say he was a price, rather duke or something like that. I think, years ago, on the same spot, there was a sculpture of Tito, that why you didn't notice it.

Anonymous said...

so very dramatic against the blue sky!

Thérèse said...

All this past with Turks...
Icicles can be rather nasty.

knez011 said...

I may be mistaken, but wasn't there a statue of Boris Kidrich, a prominent Slovenian Communist? We are talking about the stretch of the street between Restaurant "London" and Nemanjina Street, on the right hand side, correct? They must have swapped the monuments since the fall of Communism. FYI, that statue of Black George (the guy who led the FIRST Serbian uprising), prior to being placed in front of St. Sava Cathedral had been locked up in a communist warehouse for over 40 years....

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot! Happy sky watching.

My Sky.

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Beautiful statue of prince Milos Obrenovic.
Beautiful sky in the background, too.

Greetings from Macedonia :)

Anna said...

So beautiful capture of the sculpture with the blue sky!
Greetings from Holland,
Anna :-))

Daryl said...

isnt it amazing how we miss so much when we are not walking?

-K- said...

Yes, you're right, "Slow down and see."

Especially for taking photographs.

Pat said...

Hi, Knez. Not sure. All I know is I don't remember seeing a statue there at all, but Boris Kidric may have been around there. You've got the location right, so perhaps he was there. I'll check on the Internet. You are a wealth of information with your bit about Black George's staute being in a warehouse for 40 years!

J e l e n a said...

Never in my life have I seen this in my own city. Shame on me. I found it on Google Earth. Nice!

knez011 said...

Thanks. If you look at it from Google Earth, you will see the outlines of three smaller buildings next to the sidewalk, to the right of the monument. 20+ years ago, there used to be a very, very old Turkish bath (hamam). It was locked up and not really dilapidated, probably dating back from 19. century.

Tash said...

Love how the sculptor captured him. Who is the other figure?
And since there was a mention of "hamam" -- here is one of my favorite Bosnian traditionals:
"Sinoć kad se vraćah iz topla hamama,
prođoh pokraj bašče staroga imama.
Kad tamo u bašči, u hladu jasmina
s ibrikom u ruci stajaše Emina." (Hizmo Polovina singing Emina)

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» likes these tidbits of Serb history you share with us from time to time!

Nice SWF post, Bibi!


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!